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wife. mom. adjunct professor. we homeschool. i'm a little bit OCD. i love math. bright colors and geometric designs make me drool. we live with a medical rarity, and Jesus saved his life. through that, Jesus is changing us. The american dream and status quo is overrated...and sometimes just plain wrong. our lives, our family, our careers, our faith are all now filtered through a new lens-- thank you Jesus. welcome to our crazy. feel free to take some of it with you, we have plenty to go around.
It's not the load that breaks you down; it's the way you carry it.
-- Lena Horne

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.-- Jesus Christ

Saturday, August 15, 2009

the day after yesterday

The vomiting blood has stopped. Ridge is still getting rid of the blood out the other end, which for some reason, to me, is, it's not. It's all scary. He is sleeping soundly right now. He has been fussy some today. We have an excellent nurse today here in the PICU. I am tired. Yes, physically tired. But moreso, I am just drained. I appreciate all of the prayers for us, and for Ridge. We can feel them, they do lift us up. Thank you to any and everyone who is praying in faith that Jesus would heal our son. This is still the cry of our heart- that God would bring glory to his name by healing making it so obvious that it was Him and nothing or no one else who did a healing work in Ridge's life. Brandon and I have talked about how in the Bible, the people Jesus' healed usually had to live with a disease for a while, then all of a sudden, Jesus would heal them in a way that was so obviously a miracle, even if they were instructed not to speak of it. We believe the Lord has the power to deliver our family and our child from the monster I think this disease could possibly be, or is. Sometimes Christ healed someone right at the gates of death, or even all the way through the gates of death. We are praying in faith that no matter when he chooses to show up, that it will be Mighty. That it will be a miracle in which no one will be able to question the authority and the sovereignty of God. We know that He is able. We will continue to daily ask him for a miracle, and we plead with you to do the same for us, and for the glory of God. We have people ask if they can pray for our son, with our son, with us, over us, etc. etc. etc. You don't have to ask- the answer is yes. Pray where you are. Write out your prayers here if you want. You can pray here if you visit. We will not turn them away, as long as you are praying to the only One-- the true Healer, our savior, Jesus. We could not ask anyone to do more than pray for us, because that is the absolute MOST any of you can do- so we are asking you to faithfully plead with confidence @ the throne of the Father- miraculous healing for Ridge.


Anonymous said...

Your faith and trust in God is amazing and inspiring. Ridge is on the top of the prayer list for my college group.

Anonymous said...

I am pleading to God to show Himself awesome in power, working wonders in Ridge. . . soon. Thanking Him for answering our prayers--Jana

Crystal Cutrell said...
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Crystal Cutrell said...

"Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions; He was crushed for our iniquities; upon Him was the chastisement that brought us peace, AND WITH HIS STRIPES WE ARE HEALED..." Isaiah 53:4-5

Sara said...

Praying for you!

Anonymous said...

As we continue to pray for your family and for Ridge's healing, I am amazed and so grateful that you choose to open your life to us as you do. You continue to glorify our Father openly and have given the annonymous public the honor of sharing your struggles. Please know that our church is lifting Ridge to the throne. Beth Penington